Source code for ergani.models

from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from datetime import date, datetime, time
from typing import List, Literal, Optional, TypedDict

from ergani.typings import (
from ergani.utils import (

[docs] @dataclass class WorkCard: """ Represents a work card entry for an employee Attributes: employee_tax_identification_number (str): The employee's tax identification number employee_last_name (str): The last name of the employee employee_first_name (str): The first name of the employee work_card_movement_type (WorkCardMovementType): The type of work card movement work_card_submission_date (date): The date the work card was submitted work_card_movement_datetime (datetime): The exact date and time of the work card movement late_declaration_justification (Optional[LateDeclarationJustificationType]): The justification for the late declaration of the work card movement """ employee_tax_identification_number: str employee_last_name: str employee_first_name: str work_card_movement_type: WorkCardMovementType work_card_submission_date: date work_card_movement_datetime: datetime late_declaration_justification: Optional[LateDeclarationJustificationType] = None def serialize(self): return { "f_afm": self.employee_tax_identification_number, "f_eponymo": self.employee_last_name, "f_onoma": self.employee_first_name, "f_type": get_ergani_workcard_movement_type(self.work_card_movement_type), "f_reference_date": self.work_card_submission_date.isoformat(), "f_date": format_datetime(self.work_card_movement_datetime), "f_aitiologia": get_ergani_late_declaration_justification( self.late_declaration_justification ), }
[docs] @dataclass class CompanyWorkCard: """ Represents work card entries that are issued on a single business branch Attributes: employer_tax_identification_number (str): The employer's tax identification number business_branch_number (int): The number identifying the specific business branch comments (Optional[str]): Additional comments related to the work cards card_details (List[WorkCard]): A list of `WorkCard` entries for the business branch """ employer_tax_identification_number: str business_branch_number: int comments: Optional[str] = "" card_details: List[WorkCard] = field(default_factory=list) def serialize(self): return { "f_afm_ergodoti": self.employer_tax_identification_number, "f_aa": self.business_branch_number, "f_comments": self.comments, "Details": { "CardDetails": [ work_card.serialize() for work_card in self.card_details ] }, }
[docs] @dataclass class Overtime: """ Represents an overtime entry for an employee Attributes: employee_tax_identification_number (str): The employee's tax identification number employee_social_security_number (str): The employee's social security number employee_last_name (str): The last name of the employee employee_first_name (str): The first name of the employee overtime_date (date): The date of the overtime overtime_start_time (time): The start time of the overtime period overtime_end_time (time): The end time of the overtime period overtime_cancellation (bool): Indicates if the overtime was cancelled or not employee_profession_code (str): The profession code of the employee overtime_justification (OvertimeJustificationType): The justification for the overtime weekly_workdays_number (Literal[5, 6]): The number of the employee's working days in a week asee_approval (Optional[str]): The ASEE aproval """ employee_tax_identification_number: str employee_social_security_number: str employee_last_name: str employee_first_name: str overtime_date: date overtime_start_time: time overtime_end_time: time overtime_cancellation: bool employee_profession_code: str overtime_justification: OvertimeJustificationType weekly_workdays_number: Literal[5, 6] asee_approval: Optional[str] = "" def serialize(self): return { "f_afm": self.employee_tax_identification_number, "f_amka": self.employee_social_security_number, "f_eponymo": self.employee_last_name, "f_onoma": self.employee_first_name, "f_date": format_date(self.overtime_date), "f_from": format_time(self.overtime_start_time), "f_to": format_time(self.overtime_end_time), "f_cancellation": get_ergani_overtime_cancellation( self.overtime_cancellation ), "f_step": self.employee_profession_code, "f_reason": get_ergani_overtime_justification(self.overtime_justification), "f_weekdates": self.weekly_workdays_number, "f_asee": self.asee_approval, }
[docs] @dataclass class CompanyOvertime: """ Represents overtime entries that are issued on a single business branch Attributes: business_branch_number (int): The number identifying the specific business branch sepe_service_code (str): The SEPE service code business_primary_activity_code (str): The primary activity code of the business business_branch_activity_code (str): The activity code for the specific branch kallikratis_municipal_code (str): The kallikratis municipal code legal_representative_tax_identification_number (str): Tax identification number of the legal representative employee_overtimes (List[Overtime]): A list of `Overtime` entries for employees related_protocol_id (Optional[str]): Related protocol ID related_protocol_date (Optional[date]): The date of the related protocol employer_organization (Optional[str]): The employer's organization name business_secondary_activity_code_1 (Optional[str]): Secondary activity code 1 business_secondary_activity_code_2 (Optional[str]): Secondary activity code 2 business_secondary_activity_code_3 (Optional[str]): Secondary activity code 3 business_secondary_activity_code_4 (Optional[str]): Secondary activity code 4 comments (Optional[str]): Additional comments related to the overtime entries """ business_branch_number: int sepe_service_code: str business_primary_activity_code: str business_branch_activity_code: str kallikratis_municipal_code: str legal_representative_tax_identification_number: str employee_overtimes: List[Overtime] = field(default_factory=list) related_protocol_id: Optional[str] = "" related_protocol_date: Optional[date] = None employer_organization: Optional[str] = "" business_secondary_activity_code_1: Optional[str] = "" business_secondary_activity_code_2: Optional[str] = "" business_secondary_activity_code_3: Optional[str] = "" business_secondary_activity_code_4: Optional[str] = "" comments: Optional[str] = "" def serialize(self): return { "f_aa_pararthmatos": self.business_branch_number, "f_rel_protocol": self.related_protocol_id, "f_rel_date": format_date(self.related_protocol_date), "f_ypiresia_sepe": self.sepe_service_code, "f_ergodotikh_organwsh": self.employer_organization, "f_kad_kyria": self.business_primary_activity_code, "f_kad_deyt_1": self.business_secondary_activity_code_1, "f_kad_deyt_2": self.business_secondary_activity_code_2, "f_kad_deyt_3": self.business_secondary_activity_code_3, "f_kad_deyt_4": self.business_secondary_activity_code_4, "f_kad_pararthmatos": self.business_branch_activity_code, "f_kallikratis_pararthmatos": self.kallikratis_municipal_code, "f_comments": self.comments, "f_afm_proswpoy": self.legal_representative_tax_identification_number, "Ergazomenoi": { "OvertimeErgazomenosDate": [ overtime.serialize() for overtime in self.employee_overtimes ] }, }
[docs] @dataclass class WorkdayDetails: """ Represents details of an employee's workday Attributes: work_type (ScheduleWorkType): The type of an employee's work schedule start_time (time): The start time of the workday end_time (time): The end time of the workday """ work_type: ScheduleWorkType start_time: time end_time: time def serialize(self): return { "f_type": get_ergani_work_type(self.work_type), "f_from": format_time(self.start_time), "f_to": format_time(self.end_time), }
[docs] @dataclass class EmployeeDailySchedule: """ Represents a daily schedule entry for an employee Attributes: employee_tax_identification_number (str): The employee's tax identification number employee_last_name (str): The employee's last name employee_first_name (str): The employee's first name schedule_date (date): The date of the schedule workday_details (List[WorkdayDetails]): A list of workday detail entries for the employee """ employee_tax_identification_number: str employee_last_name: str employee_first_name: str schedule_date: date workday_details: List[WorkdayDetails] = field(default_factory=list) def serialize(self): return { "f_afm": self.employee_tax_identification_number, "f_eponymo": self.employee_last_name, "f_onoma": self.employee_first_name, "f_date": format_date(self.schedule_date), "ErgazomenosAnalytics": { "ErgazomenosWTOAnalytics": [ workday_detail.serialize() for workday_detail in self.workday_details ] }, }
[docs] @dataclass class CompanyDailySchedule: """ Represents daily schedule entries that are issued on a single business branch Attributes: business_branch_number (int): The number identifying the business branch start_date (Optional[date]): The start date of the schedule end_date (Optional[date]): The end date of the schedule period employee_schedules (List[EmployeeDailySchedule]): A list of daily schedules for employees related_protocol_id (Optional[str]): The ID of the related protocol related_protocol_date (Optional[date]): The date of the related protocol comments (Optional[str]): Additional comments regarding the daily schedule entries """ business_branch_number: int start_date: Optional[date] = None end_date: Optional[date] = None employee_schedules: List[EmployeeDailySchedule] = field(default_factory=list) related_protocol_id: Optional[str] = "" related_protocol_date: Optional[date] = None comments: Optional[str] = "" def serialize(self): return { "f_aa_pararthmatos": self.business_branch_number, "f_rel_protocol": self.related_protocol_id, "f_rel_date": format_date(self.related_protocol_date), "f_comments": self.comments, "f_from_date": format_date(self.start_date), "f_to_date": format_date(self.end_date), "Ergazomenoi": { "ErgazomenoiWTO": [ employee_schedule.serialize() for employee_schedule in self.employee_schedules ] }, }
[docs] @dataclass class EmployeeWeeklySchedule: """ Represents a weekly schedule entry for an employee Attributes: employee_tax_identification_number (str): The employee's tax identification number employee_last_name (str): The employee's last name employee_first_name (str): The employee's first name schedule_date (date): The date of the schedule workday_details (List[WorkdayDetails]): A list of workday detail entries for the week """ employee_tax_identification_number: str employee_last_name: str employee_first_name: str schedule_date: date workday_details: List[WorkdayDetails] = field(default_factory=list) def serialize(self): return { "f_afm": self.employee_tax_identification_number, "f_eponymo": self.employee_last_name, "f_onoma": self.employee_first_name, "f_day": get_day_of_week(self.schedule_date), "ErgazomenosAnalytics": { "ErgazomenosWTOAnalytics": [ workday_detail.serialize() for workday_detail in self.workday_details ] }, }
[docs] @dataclass class CompanyWeeklySchedule: """ Represents weekly schedule entries that are issued on a single business branch Attributes: business_branch_number (int): The number identifying the business branch start_date (date): The start date of the weekly schedule end_date (date): The end date of the weekly schedule employee_schedules (List[EmployeeWeeklySchedule]): A list of weekly schedules for employees related_protocol_id (Optional[str]): The ID of the related protocol related_protocol_date (Optional[date]): The date of the related protocol comments (Optional[str]): Additional comments regarding the weekly schedule entries """ business_branch_number: int start_date: date end_date: date employee_schedules: List[EmployeeWeeklySchedule] = field(default_factory=list) related_protocol_id: Optional[str] = "" related_protocol_date: Optional[date] = None comments: Optional[str] = "" def serialize(self): return { "f_aa_pararthmatos": self.business_branch_number, "f_rel_protocol": self.related_protocol_id, "f_rel_date": format_date(self.related_protocol_date), "f_comments": self.comments, "f_from_date": format_date(self.start_date), "f_to_date": format_date(self.end_date), "Ergazomenoi": { "ErgazomenoiWTO": [ employee_schedule.serialize() for employee_schedule in self.employee_schedules ] }, }
[docs] class SubmissionResponse(TypedDict): """ Represents a submission response from the Ergani API Attributes: submission_id (str): The unique identifier of the submission protocol (str): The protocol associated with the submission submission_date (datetime): The datetime of the submission """ submission_id: str protocol: str submission_date: datetime