Source code for ergani.client

from datetime import datetime
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional

import requests
from requests.models import Response

from ergani.auth import ErganiAuthentication
from ergani.exceptions import APIError, AuthenticationError
from ergani.models import (
from ergani.utils import extract_error_message

[docs] class ErganiClient: """ A client for interacting with the Ergani API Args: username str: The username for authentication with Ergani password str: The password for authentication with Ergani base_url str: The base URL of the Ergani API. Defaults to "". """ def __init__( self, username: str, password: str, base_url: Optional[str] = "", ) -> None: self.username = username self.password = password self.base_url = base_url def _request( self, method: str, endpoint: str, payload: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None ) -> Optional[Response]: """ Sends a request to the specified endpoint using the given HTTP method and payload Args: method (str): The HTTP method to use for the request (e.g., 'GET', 'POST') endpoint (str): The API endpoint to which the request should be sent to payload (Optional[Dict[str, Any]]): The JSON-serializable dictionary to be sent as the request payload Returns: Optional[Response]: The response object from the requests library. Returns None for 204 No Content responses. Raises: Requests exceptions may be raised for network-related errors """ url = f"{self.base_url}/{endpoint}" auth = ErganiAuthentication(self.username, self.password, self.base_url) response = requests.request( method, url, json=payload, auth=auth, ) return self._handle_response(response, payload) def _handle_response( self, response: Response, payload: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None ) -> Optional[Response]: """ Handles the HTTP response, raising exceptions for error status codes and returning the response for successful ones Args: response (Response): The response object to handle payload (Optional[Dict[str, Any]]): The original request payload for inclusion in exceptions if needed Returns: Optional[Response]: The original response object for successful requests or None for 204 No Content responses Raises: APIError: An error occurred while communicating with the Ergani API AuthenticationError: Raised if there is an authentication error with the Ergani API """ if response.status_code == 401: error_message = extract_error_message(response) raise AuthenticationError(message=error_message, response=response) if response.status_code == 204: return None try: response.raise_for_status() return response except: error_message = extract_error_message(response) raise APIError(message=error_message, response=response, payload=payload) def _extract_submission_result( self, response: Optional[Response] ) -> List[SubmissionResponse]: """ Extracts the submission result from the Ergani API response Args: response (Response): The response object from the Ergani API Returns: List[SubmissionResponse]: A list of submission responses parsed from the API response Raises: ValueError: If the response cannot be parsed into submission responses, indicating an unexpected format """ if not response: return [] data = response.json() submissions = [] for submission in data: submission_date_str = submission["submitDate"] submission_date = datetime.strptime(submission_date_str, "%d/%m/%Y %H:%M") submission_response = SubmissionResponse( submission_id=submission["id"], protocol=submission["protocol"], sumbmission_date=submission_date, ) submissions.append(submission_response) return submissions
[docs] def submit_work_card( self, company_work_cards: List[CompanyWorkCard] ) -> List[SubmissionResponse]: """ Submits work card records (check-in, check-out) for employees to the Ergani API Args: company_work_cards List[CompanyWorkCard]: A list of CompanyWorkCard instances to be submitted Returns: List[SubmissionResponse]: A list of SumbmissionResponse that were parsed from the API response Raises: APIError: An error occurred while communicating with the Ergani API AuthenticationError: Raised if there is an authentication error with the Ergani API """ endpoint = "/Documents/WRKCardSE" request_payload = { "Cards": { "Card": [ company_card.serialize() for company_card in company_work_cards ] } } response = self._request("POST", endpoint, request_payload) return self._extract_submission_result(response)
[docs] def submit_overtime( self, company_overtimes: List[CompanyOvertime] ) -> List[SubmissionResponse]: """ Submits overtime records for employees to the Ergani API Args: company_overtimes List[CompanyOvertime]: A list of CompanyOvertime instances to be submitted Returns: List[SubmissionResponse]: A list of SumbmissionResponse that were parsed from the API response Raises: APIError: An error occurred while communicating with the Ergani API AuthenticationError: Raised if there is an authentication error with the Ergani API """ endpoint = "/Documents/OvTime" request_payload = { "Overtimes": { "Overtime": [ company_overtime.serialize() for company_overtime in company_overtimes ] } } response = self._request("POST", endpoint, request_payload) return self._extract_submission_result(response)
[docs] def submit_daily_schedule( self, company_daily_schedules: List[CompanyDailySchedule] ) -> List[SubmissionResponse]: """ Submits schedule records that are updated on a daily basis for employees to the Ergani API Args: company_daily_schedules List[CompanyDailySchedule]: A list of CompanyDailySchedule instances to be submitted Returns: List[SubmissionResponse]: A list of SumbmissionResponse that were parsed from the API response Raises: APIError: An error occurred while communicating with the Ergani API AuthenticationError: Raised if there is an authentication error with the Ergani API """ endpoint = "/Documents/WTODaily" request_payload = { "WTOS": { "WTO": [schedule.serialize() for schedule in company_daily_schedules] } } response = self._request("POST", endpoint, request_payload) return self._extract_submission_result(response)
[docs] def submit_weekly_schedule( self, company_weekly_schedules: List[CompanyWeeklySchedule] ) -> List[SubmissionResponse]: """ Submits weekly schedule records for employees to the Ergani API Args: company_weekly_schedules List[CompanyWeeklySchedule]: A list of CompanyWeeklySchedule instances to be submitted Returns: List[SubmissionResponse]: A list of SumbmissionResponse that were parsed from the API response Raises: APIError: An error occurred while communicating with the Ergani API AuthenticationError: Raised if there is an authentication error with the Ergani API """ endpoint = "/Documents/WTOWeek" request_payload = { "WTOS": { "WTO": [schedule.serialize() for schedule in company_weekly_schedules] } } response = self._request("POST", endpoint, request_payload) return self._extract_submission_result(response)